Friday, October 12, 2007

Dark on the Greenbelt

8 on the greenbelt after work. I started a new book in the car and I got pretty into it so I started a little late. Heading out it was already getting dark. I decided to turn around when I fell the first time(hard guy). On the way back it was the kind of dark that made me imagine something in my peripheral vision. I'd have to do a triple take to realize there was nothing there...and by that point I'd usually fallen. Finishing up on the roads around 360 I found a quasi mythical hill--the type that has you beat before you even get to the steep part. I was tightening up like a mofo but I saw bright lights at the top. I imagined a fancy restaurant shangrala; swanky, but blue collar. When I finally got to the top I realized it wasn't La Fonda San Miguel, but a mini mall complete with a nail salon and a temp agency. Great hill though. If I can run that a couple times a week I think it will really help me. I felt surprisingly good considering my fever yesterday.

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